
Changzhou bangyuan drying Machinery Co.,Ltd.

    联系人:计先生 18261199989
    电 话:0519-88913680
    传 真:0519-88913680
    邮 箱:2870078927@qq.com
    地 址:江苏省常州市郑陆镇焦溪工业园


发布时间: 2018-03-13

The dryer is the core part of the double cone vacuum dryer system, and also contains the medium heating and circulation, the vacuum and the solvent recovery component. The dryer consists of a closed heat sleeve that acts as a container for the drying chamber. Usually made of stainless steel or special alloy to meet your requirements, the capacity of the container is usually 1 to 500 cubic meters.



Medium heating and circulating components. You can use any of several heat sources to provide heat media to the heat sleeve, depending on your temperature and BTU requirements. You can pipe the plant steam to the jacket or to avoid the condensation problem, using heating elements and heat to heat the fluid (usually water or oil) for the jacket. The heat medium flows through the dryer hot clamp to transfer the heat to the drying chamber.




Correctly specified thermal sleeve and medium heating and circulating components and ensure the medium flow and pressure and your jacket is very important for the success of the compatibility of vacuum drying. Please note that the use of steam or pressurized hot water or oil in the jacket usually requires a high pressure jacket design (the treatment is higher than the pressure of 1 atmospheric pressure). The high pressure jacket allows better medium flow and heat transfer through the jacket to the dryer wall, but the jacket design will meet the strict requirements of the ASME code for unburned pressure vessels. Vacuum and solvent recovery components. The vacuum pipeline runs from the dryer to the vacuum source, usually a vacuum pump, which can reduce the air pressure in the dryer. The vacuum pump is mainly responsible for the vacuum in the dryer. As long as the container is welded properly, the vacuum pipeline is effectively sealed to the container. The most common type is the liquid ring vacuum pump.




Is captured by a vapor condensation system located between the vacuum pump and dryer. Double cone rotary vacuum dryer steam system usually includes a pre concentrator and a condensate tank. The pre condenser is cooled to condensate steam, condensate water or solvent is collected in the condensate receiving tank. The pump removes the condensate from the water tank.



  在某些情况下 - 例如溶剂有毒或有害并且会造成环境危害如果未经特殊处理即丢弃 - 溶剂也可用于液环中的密封剂真空泵。这需要为具有闭环的冷凝系统装备真空密封胶布置。

In some cases - such as solvent toxic or harmful and will cause environmental harm if untreated discarded solvent can be used in liquid ring vacuum pump sealant. This needs to be equipped with a vacuum sealant for a closed loop condensing system.
